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Y4/5 Shakespeare Trip

On Wednesday, Year 4 and 5 visited Wylds Farm for a fabulous Shakespeare workshop which introduced them to Romeo and Juliet. After a warm up and whistlestop run through of the play, with various children taking on different roles, we headed up to the main stage area to meet with the actors and choreographers. After hearing from the actors about the roles they play and different acting techniques we tried our hand at them, beginning with choreographing our own dance to the same music that the actors use in their play. The highlight of the visit was being taught how to safely engage in stage combat - from hitting, slapping and hairpulling - including actions, sound effects and facial features! Before we left, the actors performed a fight scene from the play which brought to life the techniques that they had been practising. A great end to a great visit.

For more photographs, please click here