2 Kingfishers Year 1/2
Welcome to Kingfisher Class
Our Autumn Term is full of fun as we welcome the new Year 1s into our class. We are working hard on transition between EYFS and our more formal ‘sit-down’ classroom.
Our first half term is all about being ‘Ready to Write’. We are looking at lots of elements of grammar and punctuation as well as reading a book a day. By the time we reach Half Term we shall have read 30 books! Our class reader is the Magic Faraway Tree, so make that 31!
We shall be delving into our School’s history as well as the geography of Sheet village. I hope you’ve got your investigative minds ready.
PE days are Monday & Friday.
Library book change day is Friday too.
Homework comes home on Friday and should be completed and brought back by Wednesday the following week.
Guided reading (Little Wandle) days are
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Remember to read five times per week to gain your stickers!
Kingfishers is taught by Mrs Child, and Mrs Newton on a Thursday. Mrs Nicholls is our class LSA as well as Mrs Thirkeld who is our 1:1 support assistant during the mornings.
Our door is always open. If you have any questions, concerns or queries please just pop-in, we’d be delighted to see you :)
Mrs Child