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3 Herons Class Year 3/4

Welcome to Herons Class

The Autumn term is always a fun one in Herons!

In History this term we are looking at the changes in Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age. We bring this learning to life with a visit to Butser Ancient Farm to consider explore what life was like during this historical period.

In English, we will be focusing on our Grammar skills for the first half term. Following this, we will be writing our own narrative based on the book ‘Stone Age Boy’.

In Science we explore Rocks and soils and finding out about how fossils are made.

Geography sees us learning about settlements. We will consider the needs and requirements early settlers had when choosing a place to build a home. Through use of digital and paper maps, and local areas walks, we will develop confidence in identifying human and physical features of our local environment, map the land use of Petersfield and investigate different types of settlement in the close vicinity to Petersfield.

In Art we will be experimenting with charcoal to create our own charcoal drawings before moving onto our DT project; making bread!

What with learning about greetings in French and learning to play the Ukulele in Music, we are sure to have a great term!

Miss Buxey and Mrs Stead

Our door is always open so please feel free to send an email via the office or talk to us on the playground before or after school.