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All reception children attending Sheet Primary School have a personal online Learning Journey which records photos, observations and comments in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage. This enables us to build up a record of each child’s learning and achievements during their time with us.

We, as well as a number of other nurseries and schools, use a software programme called Tapestry.

When your child first starts at Sheet Primary you will be asked to complete the necessary permission slip and consent form (copies of which can be found below soon). Once you have completed and returned the forms your child’s journal will be set up as will your parent account. You have the option to add other authorised users such as grandparents and other carers. You will then receive an email each time a new entry is made into the journal and are encouraged to include your own entries in response to school observations or regarding home learning and development.

You can access the Tapestry log on page by clicking on the icon below.

Tapestry Tutorials

Tapestry Instructions For Parents on the Web

Tapestry For Parents iOS Tutorial

Tapestry For Parents Android Tutorial