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1 Robins Year R/1

Welcome to Robins Class


Robins Class are Years R and this is where your child’s learning in school begins! Our teacher is Mrs Beenham and our wonderful teaching assistants are Mrs Galley, Miss Lockyer and Mrs Sammes. We love to be in nature and to learn about the world around us through a mixture of adult led and child initiated activities, and our curriculum is shaped by the children’s own interests.


During the first half of the Autumn Term we will be getting to know each other through our topic of All About Me, we will be learning about our school and the history of it as well as learning about the village of Sheet. We will be getting out and about exploring our local community by visiting the local allotments and picking apples to make into apple crumble at school.


During the second half of the Autumn Term we will be looking at celebrations such as how Halloween is celebrated around the world and the history behind Bonfire Night. As we get nearer to Christmas Robins will be focusing more on traditional tales such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Hansel and Gretel and The Gingerbread Man. We will be enjoying conducting some Science experiments by making our own porridge and deciding what materials would be best to use if we were building a house.

The second half of the Autumn Term will see us rehearsing for our Infant Christmas Production with Kingfisher class, and we will be going for a whole school trip to see a pantomime in December.


Our PE Days are on Monday and Friday. It is important that your children come into school with everything they may need for the day, their reading folders, water bottles, as well as a coat and wellies as the weather begins to get colder as we do get outside every day, thank you.   

We are always here to discuss any queries you may have, so please feel free to pop in and see us!


Many Thanks

The Robins Team